Monday 9 June 2014

Independent research: Music experience and behaviour in young people

The finding show that in 2011 the computer was the main source of music towards the younger generating, however the speed in which it is changing is too fast to follow, so we did a general "hands up survey" in our class and it shows that the largest source of music for youths is through their phone as with the technological convergence they can access online streaming music as well as saved music that is on their phones.

  • Statistics

this shows that the iPod/MP3 were the two most popular sources of music for younger people and CD'S were surprisingly one of the lowest at only 18% of people listening to them daily.

The amount of people listening to music or downloading/streaming legally is going down as digital music is one of the main sources of music however it is far too expensive for young people to afford therefore it makes it so much easier to download or stream illegaly as it is free and you get all of the musk that you want to listen to.

However my experience with music is different as i do not own an iPod and i use my phone for the vast majority of my music and i also transfer the music that i like onto my laptop so that i can listen o more music whilst i am at home, or however i go online onto youtube and create playlists suited to the music that i am listening at the time, So this shows that streaming music is also a vital point for me to listen to music for free. 

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