Magazine Advertisment

Here is what i knew about magazines before the research (the top box) and the middle box is the names of more music magazines after research

This is an example of the Advertisement for Hollywood undead, they use dark colours with the exemption of red as it connotates blood.

This is some of the practice i had whilst looking through what image i would like for my MMA. i liked the idea of having a light cover of a colour over the image.

Here i changed the saturation from the background whilst keeping the colour on the foreground in the artist and on the pictures on the left to ensure the focus is central to the advert.

This is my finished product, i have included the saturation and shadows to bring the foreground further foreword for the audience, i also used to connotation of red within my advert as it stands for blood and is a code used within advertisements, also it stands out against the saturated, grey scaled background.

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